I guess its bye bye wordpress…..

Just to let you know, ill not be updating this blog anymore…..

You can find all my creations will be posted at my old blog site HERE

I will update there regularly, so nip over there and follow me.

Ill also keep my Tumblr updated which is HERE so go follow me there…i sometimes post exclusive gifties to my Tumblr followers.

Ive just got too many sites to update and I only need one.

Thank you for following me here, and hope to see you at Tilly Tiger…..

English heritage


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I know its been quite a while since I last posted, but Ive been busy with RL!

Here is a little set for you, just to say “sorry its been soooo long!”

I wanted a typically English style sitting room, one you might find in a relaxed country house or a weekend cottage.

Recolour of SIP 7 sofa, in an English heritage tweed and Modern Sims Cabinet (I so love this mesh, and Ive been recolouring it like crazy!) in an old oak and mahogany wood. Included is a bit of wall deco on Jope’s mesh, with a panama hat. Very English I thought……